(602) 795-0200

Advanced Off Leash Training Program

The results of our Advanced Off Leash Training Program cannot be duplicated in any other training environment. Phase one of this program consists of six weeks of in care training for your dog. Our team will pick up and deliver your dog here to our facility for their training. You will not participate during this initial six week process because your dog will be staying with our team at our 10,000 sqft indoor training facility in Las Vegas, NV. At the completion of their six week stay dogs will be transported back to the Phoenix valley on a Friday afternoon where our team will start the process of reintroducing you to your brand new well behaved pup. Fridays class will consist of an estimated two hour lesson to provide you the skills and knowledge needed to successfully begin the next phase of the program.

After this Friday training session your pup will be headed back home with your family. Our team will once again follow up with you and your dog the following day on Saturday for an additional two hour lesson to continue furthering your skills and understanding of your dogs training. The third and final day of training on Sunday will as well consist of a two hour lesson to further ingrain the obedience achieved.

This is where our trainers leaves you to stay consist over the next six weeks. Our team will be returning back to Phoenix for additional follow up classes on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday once again. This second phase of the program puts the icing on the cake, and under the guidance of our professional trainers you and your dog will advance even further in a social and realistic life atmosphere of other people and dogs.

This program is designed for those that want an off-leash, voice command, instant response dog upon completion of the course. A dog must be a minimum of six months old to enter the program. Your dog will learn how to have the perfect manner inside the house as well as outside. Your dog will be the polite partner of your dreams and walk next to your side without the need of a leash for control. Your dog will learn to have an instant name recall under all circumstances and will come to your side as soon as you call their name.

Your dog will learn to respect you and the word NO. This means to stop doing whatever they are doing at the time that they get the verbal command to stop. This command addresses a large majority of behavior issues; jumping, nuisance barking, chewing, etc.

The dog will learn a “Place” command. Upon command your dog will go to their place and lay down to stay there until told they can get up. This is usually a dog bed that you will put in a spot you decide. This command is very useful no matter if you are just having dinner as a family and want your dog nearby, yet out of the way, or if someone rings the doorbell and you
need to attend to business without your dog’s participation.

We will teach your dog not to go through any open door unless invited in or out. This addresses the bolting through doorways when you are opening your door in the house as well as an automobile.

Your dog will learn to down instantly upon the first command and stay in that position until released. A sit command is also trained, with a long sit, and a sit from a verbal command from a distance. This eight week program gives you an advanced off leash voice commanded dog that you will be confident and proud to walk around your neighborhood and never embarrassed or humiliated to have guests over.

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